31 March, 2020

Kick-off Meeting in Alzira

On the 17th and 18th of January 2019, City Council of Alzira welcomed the Youth Employment Initiatives (YEI Project) transnational partners at the project’s Kickoff meeting at IDEA Office.

The objectives of the Kick off meeting were: a detailed presentation of the work plan to the partners, detail of the budget finally approved in the project, signing of the financial agreement between the partners and the project coordinator, establishing the detailed schedule for the rest of the activities , distribute the responsibilities of each of the project partners, establish a project quality evaluation system and a plan for disseminating the results.

The meeting’s agenda included activities for the detailed presentation of all the project partners, including their experiences in youth employment activities, trajectory in European projects, the schedule of activities was discussed with the partners, setting the dates for the next transnational meetings , as well as the training activities to be carried out. – The logo and image of the project were selected, as well as the dissemination strategy.

Two study visits were made, one at the headquarters of the Mancomunidad de la Ribera Alta to learn about the employment initiatives developed by a Spanish regional institution and a second study visit to the CPC (Center for Citizen Participation) that had the collaboration of CEPAIM (NGO that offers training and support for job search to immigrants and foreigners in the town of Alzira)