“Youth Initiatives for Employment” is a project of sharing experiences and good practices between European organizations working in the field of youth that have developed their own initiatives, projects, tools or methods to improve the employability of young people. This project practices promotes high quality work in the youth field giving to the participants real examples that are successful, concrete and have been applied by the different European organizations with tangible results. In the following section you will find the activities and meetings done during the project, click on them to find out more!
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City Council of Alzira – IDEA
IDEA (Initiative for the local development of Alzira) depends on the Economic and Employment Promotion Department of the City Council of Alzira (Valencia). IDEA aims for promotion economic development and employment in the city.

Project Partner
Inova Consultancy is a female-owned SME which specialises in providing consultancy services and project work in the field of gender and non-traditional fields and entrepreneurship.

Project Partner
Cremona Municipality, Piano Locale Giovani (Local Youth Plan) and the Educational and Sport Department implement and promote opportunities for young citizens with special attention to participation activities.

LOGO jugendmanagement
Project Partner
LOGO jugendmanagement gmbh is a service institution for young people mainly between 15-25. They provide a comprehensive and user friendly information service responsive to the personal, social and vocational needs of young people.

Project Partner
University of Thessaly, with 18 Departments and various Research Centers, is a University with its own identity and with a prominent position in our national educational system.

Project Partner
WeenerXL is a municipal organization that provides financial support (welfare payments) and helps people (ages 18 to 65 years) in finding work, solving their financial, social and personal issues and motivating them through social activation and social participation.

Project Partner
TIRANTES started at the 1st of january 2017 as a small enterprise. Theo van de Veerdonk is its owner. He worked from 1975 until 2017 in the field of Education and labourmarket.